A Levelled Playing Field

September 2017

20Sense has been observing and analyzing patient support programs since the early days of specialty medicines. While considerable care goes into all programs, their outcomes vary widely. We have seen some truly great programs—and programs with untapped potential. We have also seen programs that look great on paper, but are not optimally matched to a particular product.

To encapsulate our observations, we have created a diagram depicting four levels of PSPs. We’ll describe Level 1 in this issue and zero in on the other levels in subsequent issues. Our hope is that the descriptions will help manufacturers identify “where they’re at” and, if applicable, explore opportunities to aim higher.

infographic: specialty programs driving innovation

Level 1, or “Basic Program,” is where many programs initially land, especially for manufacturers new to the space. They may select a vendor based on hearsay or competitor experience, without hard evidence to guide their choice. They may reach for an “off-the-shelf” program that doesn’t suit their product, patient population, and corporate values. Whether externally or internally run, the program may be set up with a tactical focus on cost containment at the expense of patient experience, data capture and reimbursement effectiveness. The result? A program dragged down by poor service and missed opportunities. This leaves manufacturers with the costly proposition of switching programs or providers downstream. In the next issue, we’ll take a closer look at Level 2.


The Hidden Value of Patient Support Programs


Staying Ahead in a Noisy Market